RBA’s Accessible Compliant Backrest has been designed to adequately fulfill the requirements of AS1428.1-2009*, while providing comfort and support for users.

The RBA Accessible Compliant Backrest is site adjustable upon installation to ensure accurate location and angle of the padded backrest. The unit has been tested to take loads of up to 1100N. RBA’s Accessible Compliant Backrest is available in three different models to suit a variety of different designs and finishes if required.

The RBA4150-100 consists of straight stainless steel arms with a white polyurethane 40mm thick backrest.

The RBA4150-111, which is similar to the RBA4150-100 but with a stainless steel backrest, is designed to be vandal resistant and used in vandal prone areas such as in public amenities.

The third alternative is the RBA4150-200, also similar to the RBA4150-100 but with bent arms. It is suitable for situations where the backrest needs to be at a lower height off the finished floor than the fixing point, such as where the backrest is retro fit around an existing cistern.

*RBA product is access compliant if it installed to meet all other requirements stipulated in the AS1428.1-2009.

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